01 August, 2011

1st Aug. Heilala Parade

Heilala Parade
8月1日 ヘイララパレードだぞ

Around 10 o’clock, the parade started from Teufaiva stadium. Here is our group.

The body builders’ group seemed to be attractive for girls.

We paraded after the JICA car. As time passed, we improved our dance. Anyway, it was very hot today.

At the check points, we carried the portable YAMANEKO shrine on our shoulders. It was very hard work but we enjoyed it.
Though we didn’t get any prize, it became one of the unforgettable memories in Tonga.

After the parade, we burned the Tanabata bamboo grass which we used on 22 July at the Heilala block party. We wrote our wish on a long strip of paper and tied it with the bamboo. After the festival we usually burn it in Japan. Ashes go up to the sky and our wishes come true, this is a Japanese legend.
 On purpose, I put my wish “’Oku ou fie mali mo tahine talavou= I want to get married with a beautiful lady” in the very center of a fire, so immediately it burned out. Hopefully, my dream will come true right away.
 わざと、Torojiro先生の願い、「’Oku ou fie mali mo tahine talavou=可愛らしい女性と結婚したい」を火のど真ん中に入れました。一瞬で燃えました。夢が速攻でかなうといいです。

At night, we had a party at the Korean restaurant. We sweated a lot so today’s meal and beer were more delicious than usual. After that we enjoyed Karaoke until midnight.

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