28 March, 2011

28th Mar. Gathering

3月28日 集合だぞ

Around noon, Tupou, who is a Ha’apai teacher, called on me with Ha’apai abacus members. Long time no see.

We had a principal meeting and a staff meeting around 2 o’clock. We confirmed how many students come from each school and made an admission ticket. It amounted to 308 participants.


Of course Sefo was the main teacher. He did very well.

After these meetings, we moved to Queen Salote College hall and inspected how we can set up desks and chairs. The hall has an enough space and equipment.
  それらの会議の後、Queen Salote Collegeホールを下見に行って、どうやって机とイスを配置するか見ました。そこには十分なスペースと備品があります。

Around 5 o’clock, Pungatoa, who is a Vava’u officer, came to CDU. Long time no see. It was the first time that Kimika met him. She seemed to fall in love with him at first sight, because he is dandy.


After work, we went to Lunarossa restaurant. Though it was expensive, we enjoyed a luxurious dinner.


We ordered an oyster, fresh slices of raw tuna, beef steak and so on.

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