01 April, 2011

1st Apr. We ate a lot.

We ate a lot.
4月1日 たくさん食べたぞ

We visited two primary schools to observe abacus class.

This is GPS Longolongo, Loani’s class (Class 4). Loani went to Japan before and he got the first prize in the teachers’ competition this week.
[Movie] Loani動画:(18 sec)

After the school, we moved to GPS Pea, which charismatic teacher Aloisia is working for. She moved from Ha’apai this year. This is Saane, who is Aloisia’s daughter and got 3 gold medals in the Ha’apai competition last year. They went to Japan together in 2009.


I cannot say anything about her class. Just amazing!
She is looking after the students who are slow learners politely.
[Movie] Aloisia動画:(17sec, 19sec)

She was teaching a flash problem with her strategy. Almost all Tongan schools don’t have a lap top PC, so this is what I really wanted Tongan teachers to do.
[Movie] Flash Aloisia動画:(51sec)

After her class, we did the flash problem with my lap top. My brain was almost broken because I translated a lot, but we did 3-digit 8 numbers questions. I was tired.
 By the way, Kimika started eating at once after our class. She looks happy.

Following that, we went to the WATER FRONT restaurant with the minister of education (Dr. Ana), acting director (Peaua) and all concerned with abacus.
  その後、WATER FRONTというレストランに行きました。教育大臣のDrAnaさんと教育長代行のPeauaさんと、関係者達が集まりました。


I made friends with the minister well this time. Dr. Ana, who is setting in the middle, is very kind to me though I was a poor interpreter yesterday.

By the way, Hirono and Kimika were eating very well. After they finished the cream puff, they drank coffee. Fantastic!

After lunch, we visited the main office and had The TSEA (Tongan Soroban=abacus Education Association) meeting. I didn’t know anything about accounting but I had to translate the contents of the account book. My brain completely broke.

Around 7 o’clock, we went to Liku’alofa resort. This is the last evening which Mr. Fujii and his wife can spend. Next year, nearly 30 Japanese abacus members will come to Tonga so they wanted to inspect a good place for them so I recommended them this resort.
 On the way to the resort, Hirono and Kimika were sleeping pleasantly, maybe…oh, thank you for your hard work, and thank you for your hard eating this week.


At last, I succeeded to give the abacus edition YAMANEKO dolls to them. Mr. Fujii got No.284, his wife Tamiko got No.285. This is the goal, which I could not achieve last year. They are married couple YAMANEKOs, YAMANEKO and YAMANEKO-KO.
  ついにそろばんバージョンの山ネコを渡すことができました。Fujii先生には山ネコNo.284を、奥さんのTamikoさんはNo.285を渡しました。これは去年果たせなかった目標です。その山ネコ達は夫婦の山ネコ。 山ネコと山ネコ子です。

We saw a lot of dances.
[Movie] Fire dance 動画:(11sec, 11sec, 18sec)

Especially this fire dance was pretty good.
[Movie] Fire dance 動画:(112sec)

On the way back from the resort, we went to the airport and saw Mr. Fujii and his wife off. Thank you for your trouble in Tonga. They were very busy this year as well.
 By chance, Kenichi, who is exactly my age and the embassy officer, went back to Japan by the same airplane. Keep in touch!

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