05 January, 2011

5th Jan. The least garlic

The least garlic
1月5日 最少のニンニク

At CDU, we continued cleaning in the morning. We disposed of a lot of outdated documents. By the way, Sefo has a methodical nature so he can do his work correctly.


After work, I called on Melissa. She came back from the US yesterday. She seemed to be refreshed, maybe because she had a very good time in California.
  At her house, Melissa took YAMANEKO photos and gave them to me. The abacus YAMANEKO is playing in the garden and he is almost eaten by the puppy.


At her school’s accommodation, St Andrew’s, I found an interesting pot. The company is “AKITA”, it must be an imitation of “AKIRA”


After I came back home, I made my special Mabo-tofu. I wanted to add a great many pieces of garlic to it but I used only one whole bulb of garlic. It was around half past nine, so I had no time to chop it. It was my minimum record. Oh man!

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