18 January, 2011

18th Jan. The First Workshop This Year

The First Workshop This Year
1月18日 今年初のワークショップだぞ

I arrived at CDU before 8 o’clock, earlier than usual. We were supposed to leave at 8 o’clock, but almost all of the officers were not there. Because…


Almost all subjects’ syllabuses, teachers’ books or pupils’ books were still being printed. Oh man! These are the books, which we have to distribute today. I cannot believe it…Oh, I remembered, and I can believe it now. This is Tonga.
ほとんどの教科のシラバス、教師用教科書、子ども用教科書がまだ印刷中だったからです。え~!これらは、今日配るものなのに! 信じられないよ~~~あっ思い出した・・・やっぱ信じられます。これがトンガだから。

After that, we put the all of the books in our cars and then we left CDU. We were an hour late. Of course, our abacus documents and equipment were ready by the end of yesterday, because I am a Japanese teacher and Sefo has a methodical nature.


At GPS Mu’a, 14 school’s teachers (66 participants), came together. We have 6 districts in Tongatapu Island. We will go around to all of the districts.


This is ‘Eva, who is a mathematics’ leader.


Sefo is in charge of the main teacher in the planning week. That’s good because Tongan should be in charge of abacus education in the near future.  His explanation in Tongan language is much better than my explanation in strange English.
[Movie]Sefo’s explanation動画:(16sec)

Around 5 o’clock, I added stickers in the abacuses, which we will provide tomorrow to the outer island’s teachers. This year, all Tongan schools have to start teaching abacus, including small outer islands. We have to prepare about 400 abacuses for the outer islands.
 I expect that Tongans will use the abacuses carefully by putting the stickers.


At night, I made curry and rice. It was my first time to make it from scratch. I added all of the seasonings without a recipe. I used garlic, potato, onion, oil, soy sauce, chili sauce, miso, starch powder, curry powder and so on. It was not so bad, it was just short of garlic.
I may be good at cooking.

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