「I was shocked a lot.」
↑After that, Tongans were eating the worm called Ofato. I was just looking. I don’t want to eat such a grotesque insect.
2月22日 大ショック
↑I visited Niua-High-School. It was fine today as well, so the airplane should come right away.
↑This is a seismological machine, which JICA ordered. It’s almost completed.
↑One carpenter called my name. I couldn’t remember who he is, but actually I met him making the “Deep Resort” buildings in ‘Eua and I wrote down his name in my notebook. I confirmed it, sorry now I’ve remembered completely. He is Soane living in Tongatapu and sometimes he goes to the outer islands to build something.
1人の大工さんが声をかけてきました。彼が誰か思い出せなかったのですが、実際彼とエウアで会っていました。Deep Resortの建物を作っていて、彼の名前を手帳に書いていたのを確認しました。ごめんなさ~い。完全に覚えました。彼はSoaneさんでトンガタプに住んでいます。たまに離島に何かを建てに行きます。
↑This is Joe, who is from Thailand and living in Tongatapu. We met at a kava party. After he finishes this building, he will go back to Tongatapu, maybe this weekend by boat.
↑Following that, I visited GPS ‘Alele’uta. Tongan kids are vigorous.
↑I observed Sioeli’s class (class 2 and 3). They are sharing their abacus with each other. We could not bring enough abacuses from Tongatapu, because of the rule about excess luggage. Sorry, I will send you a lot of abacuses after I go back to Tongatapu.
Sioeli 先生の2、3年生を参観しました。彼らはそろばんを一緒に使っています。超過料金制度のせいで十分なそろばんを持って来れませんでした。ごめんなさい、トンガタプに帰ったらいっぱいそろばんを送ります。
When I went back to my accommodation temporarily, I heard serious information. Our airplane will not come this week, because no passengers are coming from Tongatapu so the company doesn’t want to send the airplane. How impolite the management is! But this is Tonga. I asked JICA that whether I can take a boat or not. The answer was No, because it’s not a passenger’s boat but a cargo boat. We have to stay here 9 more days, and next week the weather may become bad again, because it’s rainy season now.
↑After that, I visited Niua-High-School again to teach Japanese. Fane, who is the school’s teacher, asked me to teach them Japanese. I had completely nothing to do so I accepted it willingly.
The boy sitting in the middle in the front row is Saia, who guided us to the lake, Vai Lahi and Vai Si’i. Now I have a lot of acquaintances in Nuafo’ou.
最前列の真ん中に座っている男の子はSaia君で、Vai Lahi, Vai Si’iの湖に連れて行ってくれた子です。今ニウアフォオウにはたくさんの知り合いがいます。
↑Each government high school’s students learn Japanese (Tonga-High-School, ‘Eua- High-School, Ha’apai- High-School and Vava’u- High-School), but there is no Japanese subject in the Niuas group. I may be the first person to teach Japanese in Niuafo’ou. It was very new for them and all students were interested in Japanese.
Because of the airplane problem, I was so frustrated before the class, but students made me happy and it was a very good relaxation for me, because high school students can understand English so I can use English. In addition, teaching Japanese means I am allowed to speak my mother tongue.
↑On the way back from the school, I walked on a short cut way to my accommodation. It was my first time to come here because last week, it was so muddy. Oh this is a new discovery.
↑At the accommodation Talo, who is the construction company’s boss (building the seismological station) and I grilled the fish. It was delicious.
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