「Puncture, Meeting, Tongan Food」
6月26日 パンク・会議・トンガ料理
↑I called on Melissa and fixed her bicycle. She had her bicycle stolen before and then the thief brought it back to her because the thief was one of her school’s students. Although the person who did a bad action should have to fix her bicycle completely, this is Tonga as well.
Melissa先生を訪ね、自転車を修理しました。彼女は先日自転車を盗まれましたが、盗人が返してきました。なぜなら、盗人は学校の生徒だったからです。やった本人が完全に修理するべきところですが、これもトンガ流です。 ↑I met Farfum, who is a Vava’u volunteer. Long time no see! He is going back to America for two weeks. Have a nice trip.
ババウボランティアのFarfumさんに会いました。久しぶり~!彼は2週間アメリカへ帰ります。良い旅を!↑At 1 o’clock, we had a meeting for the Heilala Festival, which is one of the famous events in Tonga.
1時にトンガで有名なお祭り「ヘイララフェスティバル」について話し合いました。↑Following that, I received Tongan food from the security guard Tevita. I shared it with my volunteer friends. Malo Tevita.
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