08 May, 2011

8th May. I visited Nukunuku village.

I visited Nukunuku village.
5月8日 ヌクヌク村へ行ったぞ

After a long time away, I visited Nukunuku village and called on my host family. My group, 21-2, stayed there for 1 week as a home stay in October 2009. After home stay, I visited there in December 2009. After that I have not visited my host family for a long time (more than 1 year and 4 months), though I passed the village sometimes. I am so sorry and time flies…
 First, I visited the church, which my host family belong to.
Last time I called on my host family in 2009. 前回ホストファミリーを訪れた時のブログ

When we are in our home stay. ホームステイ中のブログ

My host mother Mila was preaching.

I remember him. Well…Oh you were in Toloa righ? I asked Pesi, who is one of my host families, and confirmed that he was in Tupou college in Toloa last year and when I saw him, he was an attractive conductor. It was September last year…8 months ago!! Time really flies.

After the church, we ate Kaipoula (a Tongan style dish). It was mother’s day in Tonga today.

Following that, I moved to my host family’s house. Oh long time no see. Pesi had their second baby ‘Ofa.

The elder kid Sina turns 4 this year and their dog Miko is adult now. I was really happy, because my host family welcomed me just as kind as before. Yet the kids and dog grew up remarkably. I want to call on them again before I leave Tonga.

After I came back from Nukunuku, I participated in Melissa’s birthday party. “Happy Birthday Melissa!” Though it was very hard for me to listen to 8 native speaker’s English, I tried to understand their conversation.

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