「Has Torojiro started learning French?」
11月9日 フランス語を始めましたか!?
↑At TIOE, I showed my abacus examination questions for the year 2 and 3 to the deputy principal Sela. It amounted to 22 papers. Fortunately, almost all of the English descriptions for the questions were correct or made sense, so I will make some minor adjustments in it tonight, and then I will be able to photocopy it for 80 students tomorrow.
教員養成学校で、副校長のSela先生に2年生と3年生用のそろばん試験用紙を見てもらいました。合計22枚になりましたが運良く、質問に関する英語の記述はだいたい正しかったり意味が通じたりしていたので、今晩少し手直しして、明日生徒80人分のコピーが出来そうです。事務仕事とは何となく終わっていくものです。トイレに行くようなものなのです。(Torojiro先生真面目に仕事してる?? は・・・はい、人と直接関わる所では魂がこもっている・・・はず。)
↑I sent a birthday postcard to Michiko in Africa a month ago, and I had already sent an envelope with a letter and small gifts 5 months ago, but they have not gotten there yet. As is often the case with developing countries, they cannot deliver the mail correctly. If I write Happy Birthday in Japanese by an e-mail, sending a letter will be worthless, so…..I decided to send an e-mail in French.
Chère Micchan
Comment vas-tu
Pardonne moi mon retard
J‘espère que ma lettre arrivera au Burkina Faso avant ton anniversaire, mais au cas où, Bon anniversaire!
Quelâge as tu? Je sais que tu as un an de moins que moi…
Je te souhaite bonne chance au B.F. et j’espère que tu es en sêcurité. J’espère qu’ on se reverra au Japon en Septembre prochain.
A bientôt,
Prends soin de toi
Au revoir
I have become almost a native French speaker.
Sorry it’s a lie. Were you surprised? I don’t understand French at all. This is reveal of the secret.
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↑Today, I made one YAMANEKO doll as well. I usually put the YAMANEKO doll beside the window after I make it. There is a pleasant wind recently so YAMANEKO dries up well.